A new menu can be shown in calls made using the Google Phone app for Android users who are subscribed to the beta update channel. This unexpected new tool, called “Audio Emoji,” provides callers with a soundboard featuring six distinct sound effects that are audible to both parties of the call.

These consist of cheers, laughter, clapping, a melancholy trombone, a “ba dum tss,” and, strangely, farting. Actually, the only “emoji” aspect of them is the emoji nature of the playback buttons.

Short visuals to accompany the sound effects are also included with audio emojis. One especially offensive animation shows a “chocolate ice cream cone” falling to the ground and being swarmed by flies. It’s obvious which emoji corresponds with that effect. These animations appear to be exclusive to the sender at the very least, though if the recipient has audio emojis enabled, they may also play for them.

You can disable the Audio Emoji menu by clicking the “X” in the upper right corner of the menu if you’d prefer not to see a little cartoon poop during your phone calls. It’s unclear, though, if this stops friends from giving you sound effects.

At least you won’t have to worry about your call partner spamming you with a fart into sad trombone into ba dum tss combo—there is a cooldown between emojis, after all.

Google I/O, the company’s largest hardware and software presentation for 2024, is in two weeks.

Topics #Android Users #Fart Button