WhatsApp, owned by Meta, is continuously testing and releasing new features for its mobile app, with a recent update that mimics Instagram Stories. Soon, users will be able to tag or mention other WhatsApp users in their Status updates. This upcoming feature will allow people to mention others, who can then repost the mentioned Status on their own profile. WhatsApp has stated that, for now, users can mention up to five people in a single Status post. Additionally, the platform is working on an option that would allow users to tag others without displaying their name publicly.

In another Instagram-inspired feature, WhatsApp is introducing likes to Status updates. With just one tap, users can now like a Status, similar to the heart button on Instagram. However, unlike Instagram, the number of likes will remain private, and no public counter will display how many likes a Status has received. This move enhances the more personal, one-to-one nature of the platform.

WhatsApp is also adding a feature that allows users to privately tag someone in their Status. If you mention someone privately, their name won’t show up in the public Status, but they will be notified. Once tagged, the mentioned person has the option to reshare that Status with their own audience. This gives users more control over how mentions and tags are used in their Status updates, offering both privacy and a way to share content more freely with selected individuals.

Furthermore, the Meta-owned messaging platform announced plans to introduce more features to the Status and Updates tab in the coming months, signaling that it aims to continue enhancing its feature set.

In addition to these Status-related updates, WhatsApp is also testing a redesigned typing indicator for both individual and group chats. This new indicator might appear as a chat bubble within the conversation window, allowing users to see who is currently typing. These ongoing developments showcase WhatsApp’s commitment to keeping the user experience fresh and aligned with trends across its sibling platforms like Instagram.

Topics #Facebook #Instagram #Mark Zukerberg #Messaging App #Meta #news #Social Media #Status #Stories #WhatsApp