Kidney cancer is also referred to as renal cancer, or renal cell carcinoma (RCC). A major health risk, particularly for males over 40, as adults account for 90% of cases of kidney carcinoma. Usually observed in individuals between the ages of 50 and 70, with twice as many men as women. Nonetheless, being aware of one’s lifestyle choices can help avoid RCC.

Kidney Cancer: 5 Dangerous Habits You Need To Give Up Immediately To Protect Your Kidneys
Men who smoke have the highest risk of kidney disease, and those who vape, smoke pipes, smoke cigars, and smoke cigarettes also have a higher chance of acquiring kidney cancer. Obesity is another significant factor, particularly for women, though it also affects men. The risk is further increased by high blood pressure, kidney failure, and exposure to certain toxins like trichloroethylene. On the other hand, developing better habits can greatly lower the risk.

The Top 5 Lifestyle Choices that Increasingly Put Men at Risk for Chronic Kidney Cancer

A significant risk to men’s health, particularly for those over 40. The following harmful behaviors greatly increase the chance of acquiring this cancer:

1. Smoking

The biggest and most common risk factor for getting kidney cancer is smoking. Smoking affects kidney blood arteries and tissues, which can result in aberrant cell growth. Cigars, e-cigarettes, and other alternatives can also contribute to the development of this illness. Your chance of acquiring RCC might be greatly decreased if you give up smoking.

2. Obesity

Another factor that contributes to kidney cancer is obesity or being overweight because excess weight around the abdomen puts undue strain on the kidneys and impairs their ability to operate. Additionally, it may result in an imbalance in hormones that encourages the growth of cancer cells. For this reason, maintaining a healthy body weight through a balanced diet and frequent exercise is essential to lowering the risk of kidney cancer.

3. High blood pressure

Hypertension, another name for high blood pressure, affects the kidneys’ small blood arteries, which lowers kidney function and raises the risk of cancer. Men over 40 are more likely to get renal carcinoma and typically have uncontrolled blood pressure. To lower the risk of kidney cancer, high blood pressure must be regularly monitored and managed.

4. Failure of the kidneys

Renal cancer is considerably more likely in people who have kidney failure or chronic kidney disease. Kidney cancer can result from long-term diseases including diabetes and high blood pressure. Regular examinations for any underlying medical conditions, however, can help manage this problem.

5. Exposure to Harmful Chemicals

Renal cancer risk is linked to exposure to specific chemicals, such as trichloroethylene, which is frequently used in industries for cleaning and degradation. Men who work in certain fields, particularly those over 40, are more susceptible to danger, therefore take safety precautions including wearing protective gear and adhering to safety regulations.

Can kidney or renal cancer be cured? Things to Be Aware of

If found early enough, kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, is treatable. Many therapeutic approaches, including radiation therapy, surgery, and targeted medicines, are helpful in removing or eliminating cancer cells. However, the likelihood of successfully treating renal cancer, or any other cancer, decreases if it has spread to other bodily regions. Treatment, however, can support quality of life management and enhancement. The key is an early diagnosis.

Topics #5 Dangerous Habits #Kidney Cancer