The Malayalam film “Ullozhukku,” directed by Christo Tomy, stars Urvashi and Parvathy Thiruvothu in the key parts, while Arjun Radhakrishnan, Alancier Ley Lopez, and Jaya Kurup provide supporting turns. The release date and platform for Ullozhukku is OTT. In the 2018 Cinestaan India Storytellers Contest, the screenplay for the movie took home the Best Screenplay trophy. With its theatrical debut on June 21, 2024, “Ullozhukku” has already attracted notice for its gripping narrative.
According to reports, Ullozhukku will debut on Amazon Prime Video in August 2024. Both viewers eager to revisit the film and those who missed its theatrical run are anticipating it with great anticipation as it delves into the complex aspects of marriage and family ties.
Ullozhukku Synopsis
The plot centers on a widow and her daughter-in-law as they attempt to bury a family member who has passed away in a Keralan area that has been devastated by flooding. They have to postpone the burial due to the heavy flooding, and this unplanned delay exposes falsehoods and secrets that could split the family apart.
Cast of Ullozhukku
Parvathy Thiruvothu plays Anju in the movie, while Urvashi plays Leelamma. Arjun Radhakrishnan, Alencier Ley Lopez, Jaya Kurup, and Prashanth Murali are also in the cast; they all provide their talents to the plot, which is set against the backdrop of a Kerala region devastated by flooding.
Ullozhukku Crew
Christo Tomy directed the movie Ullozhukku, which Ronnie Screwvala, Honey Trehan, and Abhishek Chaubey produced. Sushin Shyam wrote the soundtrack. Executive producer Chetana Kowshik and associate producer Pashan Jal worked on the Reverie Entertainment co-production alongside Sanjeev Kumar Nair. Kiran Das oversaw the editing, Shehnad Jalal handled the cinematography, while Jayadevan Chakkadath and Anil Radhakrishnan were in charge of the sound design and synchronization.
Dixon Poduthas oversaw production control. Hasanain Hooda served as assistant creative producer, and creative producers Maharsh Shah, Sonia Kanwar, and Sanaya Irani Zohrabi. Dhanya Balakrishnan created the costumes, Ronex Xavier oversaw makeup, and Mohmad Bava served as the art director. Appu N. Bhattathiri oversaw visual advertising, while Sinoy Joseph handled sound mixing. The casting director was Varsha Varadarajan, the visual effects supervisor was Ident VFX Labs, and the main associate director was Ambro Varghese. Photographer Hari Thirumala took still shots, Liju Prabhakar graded the color, and Antony Stephen created the publicity materials.
Topics #OTT Release #Ullozhukku