Taking precautions against heat-related illnesses is crucial, and these might range from consuming lots of water to applying oral rehydration solution (ORS). In periods of excessive heat, people should limit their consumption of tea, coffee, and fizzy drinks. These beverages cause the body to produce more heat and require longer to digest.

What Makes Tea Unsuitable for a Heatwave?

In the summer, drinking tea on an empty stomach might irritate the stomach lining and result in digestive issues.

Additionally, it may lead to dehydration and increases urine output. In the summer, there is an increased risk of dehydration after consuming tea due to its diuretic properties.

Larger tea consumption can hinder the lower body’s absorption of iron, vitamins, and minerals because it contains polyphenols like caffeine and tannin.

Heatwave Health Advisory

When it’s feasible, even if you’re not thirsty, make sure you drink enough water. Being thirsty is not a reliable sign of dehydration. When traveling, always have drinking water with you.

Drink homemade beverages such as lemon water, buttermilk/lassi, and fruit juices with a little salt added, and use Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS).

Consume watermelon, muskmelon, oranges, grapes, pineapple, cucumbers, lettuce, and other locally sourced fruits and vegetables that are in season and have a high water content.

Put on airy, loose cotton clothing, ideally in a light hue.
When exposed to direct sunlight, protect your head by wearing an umbrella, helmet, cap, towel, or other conventional headgear.

Keep drapes and windows closed during the day, especially on the sunny side of your home, to prevent heat waves and direct sunlight. To let in cooler air at night, open them.

If you must go outside, restrict your outside activities to the morning and evening when it’s cooler outside.

Foot submersion in water at 20°C above the ankle facilitates quick cooling by lowering heat discomfort and dehydration.

Steer clear of alcohol, tea, coffee, carbonated soft drinks, and high-sugar beverages. These can actually trigger stomach cramps or cause the body to lose more fluid.

Plan your most physically demanding and outside tasks for the morning and evening hours, when it’s cooler outside.

After an hour of labor work, extend the duration and frequency of rest periods for outdoor activities to at least every five minutes.

Topics #5 Vital Reasons #Drinking Tea #During Heatwave