Itel A80 was launched in India on Monday. The smartphone’s primary back camera is 50 megapixels and supports HDR. Up to three days of battery life are promised by the 5,000mAh battery that powers it. A feature called the Dynamic Bar allows the phone to display notifications, battery life, and other information in a comprehensive manner. Because of its IP54 rating, the phone is resistant to dust and splashes. The phone will provide lag-free performance for up to three years, according to the manufacturer.

Cost and Availability of the Itel A80 in India

The Itel A80’s 4GB + 128GB RAM and storage combo costs Rs. 6,999 in India. Currently, the phone may be bought in the nation from physical retail establishments. Within 100 days of purchase, a free screen replacement is guaranteed. The handset’s online availability has not yet been verified.

Three color options are available for the Itel A80: Wave Blue, Sandstone Black, and Glacier White.

Features and Specifications of the Itel A80

The Itel A80 has a 6.7-inch HD+ IPS screen with a maximum brightness of 500 nits and a refresh rate of 120 Hz. An octa-core Unisoc T603 processor, 4GB of RAM, and 128GB of internal storage power it.

The Itel A80’s optics include an 8-megapixel front camera and a 50-megapixel primary back camera sensor with HDR capability. The rear camera module houses a ring light unit that also functions as a notification light. The Dynamic Bar feature on the phone enables users see call or battery status and other information all around the punch-hole cutout.

A USB Type-C port allows for 10W wired charging of the 5,000mAh battery that powers the Itel A80. According to reports, the phone can run for up to three days on a single charge, which includes 18 hours of video playback or 31 hours of talk time. The phone has two features: Smart Link+ and Ultra Power Saving Mode, which increase signal stability and prolong battery life, respectively.

The Itel A80 has an IP54-rated construction for dust and splash resistance, according to the company. The slim profile of the phone is 8.54 mm. It features a fingerprint sensor on the side for security.

Topics #Itel A80 #Released in India #Smartphone Launch