Google Doodle
New Google Doodle: Thank You Emergency services laborers
The present Google Doodle thanks emergency service laborers in the third of an series commending the legends working of the…
Today’s Google Doodle thanks doctors, nurses, and medical workers
Google Doodle has shared the second doodle in their series gratitude toward those on the forefront of the coronavirus outbreak.…
Google Doodle Says: THANK YOU to coronavirus helpers honors public health workers and to researchers
The present Google Doodle celebrates all general health laborers and scientists over the globe working in the battle against the…
Google Doodle Celebrates ‘Senegal Independence Day 2020’
The present Doodle celebrates 60 years of Senegalese freedom. History of Senegal Independence Day From the fifteenth century, the district…
Google Doodle: Celebrates Squash Champion ‘Hashim Khan’
The present Doodle celebrates incredible Pakistani squash player Hashim Khan, generally revered as one of the sport’s all-time greatest players.…
Stay Home. Save Lives: Google Doodle offers coronavirus tips
COVID-19 keeps on spreading the world over, taking more lives every day. To help support whatever number individuals as could…
Google Doodle: Celebrates Lola Álvarez Bravo’s 117th Birthday
The present Doodle celebrates one of Mexico’s first expert female picture takers, Lola Álvarez Bravo, on her 117th birthday celebration.…
Who Is Dame Jean Macnamara? Google Doodle celebrates Dame Jean Macnamara’s 121st Birthday
The present Google Doodle observes Australian specialist and medical scientist Dame Jean Macnamara on what might have been her 121st…
Google Doodle: Celebrates ‘Nowruz 2020’
A period for fresh beginnings as winter blooms into spring, Nowruz is praised in the present Google Doodle. This memorable…
Gamila El Alaily’s 112th Birthday Today: Who was Gamila El Alaily? Google Doodle honours Egyptian poet and columnist
Egyptian poet and essayist Gamila El Alaily is the subject of the present Google Doodle, which celebrates what might have…