Misha and Zain’s proud father is Shahid Kapoor. Shahid has been an actor for a long time before having children, but up until lately, they had never seen him in a film. Shahid’s wife Mira Rajput recently saw the Imtiaz Ali movie in theaters for a second time, and she brought the kids along. In a recent conversation, Shahid revealed that although his wife often asked about taking their children to one of his movies, they were never able to decide which one.
“So for a long time, Mira would ask me, ‘What movie of yours should I show the kids?’,” the actor told Pinkvilla. And I would say, “Not one,” for example. Some are bad, and the ones that are good are not suitable for young children. Jab We Met was the first of my movies they saw when they really went to the theater.
“Mira and my mother came up with this idea that we can finally show the kids this one movie,” he continued. They went to see Jab We Met. In the theater, we met. When my son got back, he asked, “Papa, is that how you look without a beard?”
One of Shahid Kapoor’s most popular movies is Jab We Met, which also stars Kareena Kapoor. In a recent interview with the same source, Shahid claimed that while knowing full well that Kareena had the movie’s bigger role, he decided to go ahead and make it. “I loved the script when I first heard it,” he stated. I needed the strongest part. Even though I was aware that the female character in the movie had the strongest role, I still wanted to be in it.
“I felt it was a very relevant, new age love story,” the actor continued, “where people were speaking like how normal people in their 20s communicate, and not how people in their 40s playing to be 20s in movies speak. Imtiaz created something that was incredibly relatable and honest. I had a great time watching it and wanted to include the movie in my filmography.
Topics #Actor #Actress #Bollywood #Golden Era #Hero #Jab We Met #Kareena Kapoor #Old Movie #Shahid Kapoor