Kavin, a popular Tamil actor best known for the hit movie “Dada,” is engaged to get married. On August 20, the actor and his longtime girlfriend Monica will get married. There will be just close family and friends present for the private wedding ceremony. There are rumors that Kavin and Monica will exchange vows in Chennai with the approval of their families. More information about the wedding has not yet been made public.
It is unknown if the engagement ceremony has already occurred or has yet to take place because the actor has not yet made an official declaration. Fans are impatiently waiting for Kavin to announce the news and release photos of him and his ladylove. Due to his outstanding work in the Tamil hit “Dada,” the actor has a devoted fan base. Monica is a staff member in a private school.
In terms of Kavin’s professional life, he first became well-known for his part in the Vijay Television television series “Kanaa Kaanum Kalalangal.” He then appeared in well-known serials as “Thayumanavan” and “Saravanan Meenakshi.” Kavin made his big-screen debut in the 2017 movie “Sathriyan” in a supporting role. He played the lead in “Natpunna Ennannu Theriyuma” the following year.
With the release of “Dada” in 2023, Kavin did, however, mark a turning point in his professional life. The film, which was directed by Ganesh K. Babu, is a fascinating coming-of-age tale about an estranged couple trying to make amends for earlier errors. The movie “Dada” was well-received by critics and had great success at the box office. As soon as it was made available on Amazon Prime Video, its popularity skyrocketed even further.
Kavin garnered media attention in 2019 for his romantic involvement in Season 3 of the reality series Bigg Boss Tamil. He fell in love with Sri Lankan newsreader and participant Losliya while he was on the show. Later, Losliya also acknowledged having a romantic relationship with Kavin. But she also admitted that their relationship didn’t work out.
On the job front, Kavin is engaged in production on an unnamed Sathish-choreographed movie. The music for this movie will be composed by Anirudh Ravichander.
Topics #Bollywood #Dada #Girlfriend #Love birds #Love story #relationship