Following the achievement of Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures on Netflix, Barbie Roberts is featuring in another animated musical from Mattel Television that is set to make a big appearance on the streaming stage starting Sept. 1.
Barbie Princess Adventure is an advanced fantasy that follows Barbie and her companions on a class outing to the nation of Floravia to meet Princess Amelia, who looks to some extent like Barbie.
Princess Amelia, anxious about turning out to be queen, is looking for a escape and devises an arrangement to switch places with Barbie, making way for an undertaking including self-disclosure, an rival prince, and a heavy portion of unique pop songs.
“Barbie is an iconic character who provides endless storytelling opportunities,” says Adam Bonnett, leader maker, Mattel Television. “She inspires the limitless potential in all kids, and this brand purpose resonates deeply with children and parents alike. Barbie Princess Adventure builds on that purpose with a focus on empowerment, self-discovery, and finding your voice in the age of social media.”
The film highlights tunes by Matthew Tishler and Andrew Underberg with a unique score and extra tunes by The Math Club.
“Barbie Princess Adventure captures a range of musical genres, which enables the audience to connect with the story in a variety of ways,” Bonnett says. “Original music will continue to be an integral part of Mattel Television content moving forward — for Barbie as well as other brands.”
The film’s soundtrack will be accessible across digital streaming services including Spotify, Amazon, and Apple Music starting Aug. 28. An assortment of Barbie Princess Adventure dolls, fashions, and playsets are accessible at this point.
Topics #Barbie Princess Adventure #Mattel Television #Netflix