Alongside the Redmi Note 14 5G series phones, the Redmi Buds 6 were introduced in India on Monday. The TWS earphones were first introduced in September in China. In addition to 360-degree spatial audio, they provide 49dB hybrid active noise cancellation (ANC). The IP54 classification of the earbuds indicates that they are resistant to dust and splashes and may connect to two devices. The combined battery life of Buds 6 and the casing is expected to reach 42 hours.
Redmi Buds 6 Cost, Availability, and Color Option in India
Redmi Buds 6 India is available for Rs. 2,999. Beginning on December 13, the earphones will be available for purchase nationwide. From December 13 to December 19, Buds 6 will be offered at a special launch price of Rs. 2,799 only. The Xiaomi India website, Amazon, and Xiaomi retail locations nationwide all sell the audio wearable.
Ivy Green, Spectre Black, and Titan White are the three color options available for these TWS headphones.
Features and Specifications of the Redmi Buds 6
The Redmi Buds 6 earbuds have 5.5mm micro-piezoelectric ceramic components and 12.4mm titanium diaphragms. They feature an AI-powered dual-microphone system with wind noise reduction technology, as well as a conventional in-ear design with silicone ear tips. The earbuds provide a transparency mode, up to 49dB ANC, and 360-degree spatial audio capability. They are touted to guarantee little lagging when gaming or streaming audio-visual content online because they support low latency of up to 60 ms.
Dual device connectivity and Bluetooth 5.4 are supported by the recently released Redmi earphones. They work with the Xiaomi Earbuds app, which lets users customize gesture controls and equalization settings. When an earbud is removed, their in-ear sensing feature halts audio playback; when it is put back on, it resumes. The case is not IP54-rated for dust and splash resistant; only the earphones are.
The Redmi Buds 6 cover contains a 475mAh battery, and each earbud has a 54mAh cell. While the earphones alone can last up to 10 hours on a single charge, the case is touted to extend the total listening time to up to 42 hours. It is stated that a 10-minute rapid charge can provide up to four hours of music listening. A USB Type-C port and a horizontal LED light display that shows the battery and charging level are features of the charging case.
Topics #Introduced In India #Redmi Buds 6