Two distinct streaming services are currently offering Vishvath’s acting debut in the Tamil fantasy movie Rocket Driver. The film, which was directed by Sriram Ananthashankar and starred Sunaina and Naga Vishal, made its theatrical debut on October 18, 2024.

Rocket Driver: When and Where to Watch

Prime Video is where you can see Rocket Driver. Furthermore, Aha Tamil users have the option to view the film whenever it is convenient for them.

The official Rocket Driver trailer and plot

The protagonist of the film is Prabhartakan, an autorickshaw driver who is fed up with his boring life. When he finds himself 76 years into the past, landing in 1948, his life takes an unexpected turn. There, he meets a young APJ Abdul Kalam, who plays a crucial role in his path.

Their exploits, which explore themes of ambition and self-discovery, are at the center of the narrative. A sneak peek at the film’s colorful fantasy features and intriguing premise are shown in the official trailer.

Rocket Driver’s cast and crew

Sunaina and Naga Vishal play the main roles in the movie, while Vishvath plays his first role. Jagan, Ramachandran Durairaj, and Kathadi Ramamurthy all play supporting parts. The project, which was produced by Anirudh Vallabh under the name Stories By The Shore, also includes Regimel Surya Thomas’s cinematography and Kaushik Krish’s music. Prasanth S., Akshay Poolla, and Sriram Ananthashankar co-wrote the script.

Topics #Rocket Driver OTT Release #Vishvath Tamil Fantasy Film