Telegram is still making compromises to adhere to different regulations set forth by authorities. Telegram revealed this week that it will let companies to validate the phone numbers of their clients, after pressure to give authorities consumer phone numbers and IP addresses.

Along with a completely overhauled iOS video chat user interface, the most recent version brings the opportunity to send presents to Telegram Stars. Additionally, Telegram is enhancing its reporting interface and introducing support for livestreaming on Android using RTMP.

Returning to the new verification platform that Telegram introduced, the company said that any firm, app, or website can send verification codes over Telegram and pay for them using Fragment as of this week.

According to the messaging app that compared to SMS or other options, these verification codes are more convenient, affordable, safe, and quick. You may receive a code-protected message in a dedicated Telegram chat if you use the app and communicate with businesses.

In addition to providing a platform for company verification, Telegram is introducing the feature that allows users to award one another Telegram Stars. As soon as you receive a present, you may see it right away on your profile’s new Gifts tab. Even better, you can return the present and receive some of its Stars to use for other purchases, like other gifts.

Just open the user’s profile and select Send a Gift if you would want to send them a gift. Prior to mailing the present, you can also include any text or emoji in it. If the gift is posted on their profile, no one else will be able to see your name, even if you want to hide it. However, the recipient will still be aware of who sent it.

Now let’s talk about the new video chat user interface. It has been overhauled to enhance performance and prolong battery life on iOS devices. According to Telegram, even with numerous video feeds from several dozen participants, extended calls won’t cause your iPhone to overheat any more.

Telegram’s reporting interface has been enhanced. One example is the addition of more detailed options for each category in the reporting menu. Also, Telegram will be able to instantly recommend the most pertinent reporting reasons since the list of reasons is updated dynamically by the server.

Topics #Business Communication #Phone Number Verification #Telegram #Telegram Update