Google commenced the Wear A Mask, Save Lives doodle on Tuesday to “reinforce the message that wearing masks can save lives, in the midst of a resurgence of COVID-19 cases across the globe’.”
Google declared that it will be running a COVID-19 cover Doodle on 4 and 5 August 2020. This is what you have to know.
Google commenced the Wear A Mask, Save Lives doodle on Tuesday to “reinforce the message that wearing masks can save lives, in the midst of a resurgence of COVID-19 cases across the globe’.
As of 16:00 South African Standard Time (SAST), the Google Doodle is live in 60 nations around the globe, including South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria. Tapping on the doodle will guide you to a COVID anticipation Search Results page.
The Google Doodle page for Wear A Mask, Save Lives, additionally contain valuable COVID-19 related tips we should all know by the name. The basics: Wear a mask, clean your hands, keep a safe distance.
The ‘When and how to use masks’ page has a few valuable videos, just as segment for ‘Mythbusters’ and ‘advocacy’.
All materials on the site are normally refreshed dependent on new logical discoveries as the epidemic advances.
The Technical Guidelines area incorporates a paper named Advice on the utilization of veils with regards to COVID-19, just as the Rational utilization of individual defensive gear for COVID-19 and contemplations during serious deficiencies.
The page additionally brings up that covers can help keep the spread of the infection from the individual wearing the mask to another.
In any case, note that covers alone don’t ensure against COVID-19.
Protect yourself as well as other people around you by knowing the realities and avoiding potential risk.
Follow the guidance gave by your nearby health authority.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
1.Clean your hands regularly. Use cleanser and water, or a liquor based hand rub.
2. Keep up a safe distance from any individual who is coughing or sneezing.
3. Wear a mask when physical distancing is preposterous.
4. Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
5. Cover your nose and mouth with your bowed elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
6. Remain at home in the event that you feel unwell.
7. In the event that you have a fever, cough and trouble breathing, look for clinical attention.
Topics #Covid-19 #Wear a mask #When and how to use masks