Google Wallet has evolved over the last 12 months into a very flexible platform that provides more than simply storage for credit and debit cards.

The ability to conduct mobile payments, however, is the app’s most significant feature. Google Wallet needs to support almost all US banks and credit unions in order for this to function. Although that isn’t the case right now, Google Wallet adds more banks to its list of approved banks each month.

Google Wallet’s reach has been further expanded with the most recent upgrade, which now supports 22 additional banks.

  • Allied Federal Credit Union (TX)
  • Arize Federal Credit Union (PA)
  • Armor Bank (AR)
  • Castle Rock Bank (MN)
  • Cfsbank (PA)
  • Cross Bank (AR)
  • First Credit Union (MI)
  • FNB&Trust (AL)
  • Fox Federal Credit Union (CA)
  • Four Seasons Federal Credit Union
  • FreeStar Financial Credit Union (MI)
  • Hawaii First Federal Credit Union (HI)
  • Midwest America Federal Credit Union
  • Onbe
  • Riverways Federal Credit Union (MO)
  • Salem VA Credit Union (VA)
  • Sofi Bank, National Association (UT)
  • Speedchain
  • St. Lawrence Federal Credit Union
  • The Napoleon State Bank (IN)
  • University of Wisconsin Credit Union
  • West Michigan Credit Union (MI)

More than 3,000 financial institutions in the United States are currently supported by Google Wallet, and the number is continually expanding.

Your traditional wallet can be left at home since everything is kept in your digital wallet. Google Wallet offers amazing flexibility for keeping your personal information, and while many people initially think of debit and credit cards, it now also stores IDs, passports, and more.

Topics #Bank Expansion #Google Wallet #United States #US Financial Institutions