Symptoms of Clogged Arteries at Night: A waxy material, cholesterol is necessary for hormone synthesis and cell function. But too much low-density lipoprotein (LDL), sometimes referred to as “bad cholesterol,” can cause atherosclerosis, or plaque accumulation in the arteries. This increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by narrowing the arteries and limiting blood flow.

A quiet danger, high cholesterol frequently goes undiagnosed until it causes serious cardiovascular problems. Some warning indicators become more noticeable at night, even when symptoms during the day can be minor. Recognizing these symptoms at night can help avoid serious consequences like heart attacks or strokes by offering early indicators of clogged arteries.

7 Indications That Your Arteries Are Clogged at Night Due to High Cholesterol

1. Unidentified Chest Pain

Chest pain is one of the most concerning signs of clogged arteries, and it can happen at night. This discomfort, which usually occurs in the left or center of the chest, can seem like a searing pain or a dull aching. When lying down, it frequently gets worse, which can lead to restlessness and anxiety. This symptom should never be ignored since it could indicate that excessive cholesterol is causing the heart to receive less blood.

2. Breathing difficulties

An important indicator of congested arteries is experiencing dyspnea at night. Breathlessness even when at rest might result from the heart’s inability to pump blood efficiently due to cholesterol accumulation. Contacting a healthcare provider is essential if you wake up with trouble breathing or feel particularly exhausted.

3. Numbness or Tingling

High cholesterol and clogged arteries might also be indicated by numbness or tingling in your limbs. When blood flow is impeded while you sleep, you frequently experience this symptom.

4. Inexplicable Sweats at Night

While there are many different causes of night sweats, they may also be a sign of cardiac problems associated with elevated cholesterol. You should speak with your healthcare professional if you have excessive perspiration at night, particularly if it is accompanied by additional symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pain.

5. Extreme exhaustion or fatigue

Experiencing unexplained exhaustion at night may indicate more than a long day. Because the heart finds it difficult to pump enough oxygen-rich blood throughout your body, persistent fatigue may be an indication of clogged arteries. It may be time to assess your cholesterol and general heart health if you still feel exhausted after a full night’s sleep.

6. Insomnia or Sleep Apnea

High cholesterol and clogged arteries are frequently linked to sleep apnea, which is characterized by breathing interruptions during sleep. Although this illness is often overlooked, it poses significant hazards to cardiovascular health.

7. Restlessness and Anxiety

Do you have nighttime anxiety and restlessness? Watch out! These may also be indicators of blocked arteries and elevated cholesterol. Stress can have a detrimental effect on heart health and raise cholesterol levels as a result of the body’s reaction. It could be helpful to discuss your cardiovascular health with a physician if you frequently experience anxiety or restlessness at night for no apparent reason.

Topics #Clogged Arteries #heart health #Nighttime Symptoms #Symptoms of Clogged Arteries