One of the best summertime treats is watermelon; it’s sweet and incredibly cool on a hot day. Enhancing them further? Plus, all that juicy goodness is healthy for you! The fruit is low in calories and packs a powerful punch of vitamins and nutrients. Additionally, since the seeds are loaded with minerals that have a variety of health advantages, you might want to reconsider before spitting them out. See how many calories watermelon has, along with the benefits of its seeds, by continuing to scroll down.
What is the Calorie Count of Watermelon?
Two cups of chopped watermelon, according to the USDA, contains 90 calories, 23 grams of carbs, roughly 2 grams of protein and fiber, and very little fat. Why is there so little calories in watermelon? The fruit’s tremendous water content—nearly 92% water—deserves recognition.
How does Watermelon keep you Hydrated?
All that water doesn’t just keep the calories in watermelon low, it also quenches your thirst and keeps you hydrated, and it does so in a way that has lasting benefits beyond drinking a glass of regular old water. “Getting hydration from water-rich foods is the smartest strategy,” says integrative physician Dana Cohen, MD, coauthor of Quench. “The fiber in produce acts like a sponge, so we absorb the water more slowly and it stays in our system longer.”
What Other Elements does Watermelon Contain?
High in vitamins A and C is watermelon. Lycopene is another ingredient that contributes to the health benefits of watermelon. The antioxidant pigment lycopene, which also functions as an anti-inflammatory, is what gives the fruit its striking red color. It may lower blood pressure, according to studies, and scientists are looking at how it can lower the risk of cancer.
Are Watermelon Seeds Edible?
Indeed! “Watermelon seeds are safe to eat, and they’re packed with nutrition, just like pumpkin and sunflower seeds,” says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, CSSD, a registered dietitian. The USDA states that watermelon seeds are an excellent source of magnesium, one of the non-trace elements that is especially helpful, as well as a variety of trace minerals like iron, phosphorus, copper, and manganese.
It is advised by the US Department of Health that adult women consume 320 grams of magnesium each day. It contributes to the conversion of food into energy and supports neuron and muscle function. Magnesium is also excellent for reducing high blood pressure, chronic inflammation, anxiety, and sleep issues. A meager handful (about one ounce) of watermelon seeds has only 23 calories and 146 milligrams of the vitamin!
In What Manner are Watermelon Seeds Best Consumed?
Although watermelon seeds can be eaten raw, Blatner suggests roasting them for 15 minutes at 325°F or until browned for the greatest flavor. “Whole roasted watermelon seeds are edible, and they will taste like pumpkin seeds,” the woman claims. “Alternatively, you can use your teeth to scrape off the black outer shell and simply eat the white, tender inside portion, just like you would with sunflower seeds.”
A word of caution: Young children and people with dental problems would be better off eating only the fragile white sections of the plant, as the outer black shell is edible but must be digested thoroughly.
Is it Wise to Purchase Organic Watermelon?
It can make sense to purchase organic vegetables if you wish to stay away from pesticides. But there’s no need to shell out more cash for watermelon. The Environmental Working Group, which just published updated rankings of the pesticide levels in foods called the “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean Fifteen,” says as much. Furthermore, watermelon was included in the Clean Fifteen, thus organic is acceptable to forgo.
Try These Simple Watermelon Recipes
Are you prepared to reap the full benefits of watermelon? Here are some delectably simple recipes:
Watermelon Fruit Pizza
Punch with Watermelon and Berries
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