Foods High in Keratin for Hair Growth: Keratin is a crucial vitamin for health-promoting hair. Preventing hair loss, healing wounds, preserving skin structure, and enhancing hair texture are all crucial. Strong, healthy hair is promised by the active component keratin, which is found in many hair care treatments. To improve the health of your hair, you can supplement your diet with foods high in keratin in addition to utilizing haircare products. Foods that help the body synthesize keratin naturally are many and varied. You should incorporate the items on this list, which are high in keratin, into your diet on a regular basis to maintain healthy hair.

Foods High in Keratin for Hair Growth: 

1. Eggs

One of the best ways to increase your body’s natural keratin production is to include eggs in your daily diet. Eggs are also a fantastic source of biotin, another nutrient that the body needs in order to synthesize keratin.

2. Onions

Moreover, onions aid in stimulating the body’s keratin synthesis. They include N-acetylcysteine, an antioxidant from plants that the body uses to make L-cysteine, an amino acid that is essential to the formation of keratin.

3. Yummy Potatoes

Provitamin A, a substance that supports keratin formation and preserves the health of the skin and hair, may be found in medium sweet potatoes in amounts of 1,150 mcg, or more than 100% of the daily value. Sweet potatoes are also a fantastic source of beta-carotene, iron, and copper—all of which are great for hair.

4. Mangos

Mangoes are an excellent option for boosting the body’s keratin production. They give the body a sufficient amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals, keratin, and other nutrients for general health and wellbeing.

5. Garlic

Garlic is another wonderful food that is a terrific complement to a regular diet. It is abundant in N-acetylcysteine, which your body converts to the amino acid L-cysteine, which is present in keratin. Numerous additional micronutrients, including vitamin C, B6, and manganese, are also found in garlic.

Topics #5 Foods #Hair Growth